HD107S LEDs compare WS2815 LEDs

HD107S LEDs compare WS2815 LEDs?

HD107S LEDs is the fastest addressable LED components, the most stable pixel LEDs with clock data wire, we can say it is top quality in the world.

so why did us use WS2815? Although it is DC12V with “Break Point Continue”, if one LEDs was broken, looks so bad. If 2leds broken, “Break Point Continue” is useless, and WS2815 is not stable, many quality problem we heard.

For long time use, we should choose the top quality fastest and most stable LEDs, HD107S is the best choice, we don’t need “Break Point Continue” function, as HD107S never broken after installed, we don’t need DC12V, as HD107S is almost same voltage drop with WS2815, so no reason to chooce WS2815.

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